Ruby.K, 一位完美主義者,所以對每一個妝容也會用最細致的心完成,認為每一位新娘子也會獨特的氣質,所以喜歡以自然高貴的韓式妝容提升本身的氣質,配以空氣感重及突出線條既髮型,而且臉型的平衡感,輪廓的立體感等也是Ruby.K的妝容所執著的地方。
R結婚 / 化妝及髮型Ruby.K Makeup Artist

Qualified native female Japanese tutor
N教學進修 / 語言課程Native Japanese tutor 日藉導師 Phone:+852 64007941 💌: [email protected] _______________ DM for Makeup Styling Service :) 歡迎查詢香港各類型化妝服務
y美容 / 化妝yamasiadog9

Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; Bachelor's degree in English; Working at an prestigious international school; A freelance Mandarin voice artist

Lesson with native Japanese tutor who has experience as full time language teacher in your convenience time and place

2 fabulous Pedigree British shorthair kittens. They have been regularly wormed, fully vaccinated and will come with TICA registration papers, 4 generation pedigree and 4 weeks free petplan insurance.
K寵物 / 寵物領養Kaho Mark

Weve been teaching for more than 10 years, do understand the best way for students to learn HOW TO SWIM! We can speak CANTONESE, ENGLISH MANDARIN fluently, heres our qualifications: Swimming Teacher

A female native english with extensive experience tutoring student in Hong Kong, oral english for adult and young learner
J教學進修 / 補習J.Goodman

租場拍攝 Female Photographer 女攝影師,海外婚紗, 婚禮攝影,人像,企業,肖像,家庭,孕婦, 時裝攝影 ,微電影 及各樣商業攝影服務 Music Video音樂短片 MTV Stills photography劇照Fashion, Portrait , Model,Baby or newborn ,Wedding-Anniversary photography Makeup
攝影及影音 / 攝影及影音優惠Dou Studio租場拍攝

Beautiful American curl female
A寵物 / 寵物領養Aisha.raineri

Ive been teaching swimming for more than 10 years, do understand which is the best way for children to learn how to swim! I can speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin fluently. Ive got the certificates

宗旨(Aims): 透過乒乓球訓練, 鼓勵不同的年齡,文化,技能水準參舆體育運動(Encourage different people of all ages, cultures, skills level to involve physical exercises with the help of table tennis. 教學特點(Teaching characteristics): 因材施

A small bedroom to let for female only

Wow Make Up in Phuket have a team of makeup artists and hair stylists for all events in Phuket Thailand
M結婚 / 海外婚禮Make Up Artist / Hair Stylist in Hatyai

Welsh Corgi Puppies For Adoption Contact us directly at ( [email protected] )

於譽88私人會所提供補習及托管服務,兩位女導師均畢業於香港理工大學,在學時曾在社福機構任職補習及托管導師, 流利英語﹑普通話以及廣東話 Native English speaking female tutors in Yuen Long

無論你是男或女,如何雜亂的眉,來到我們的小店修眉都會令你開心滿意地離開.Whether you are male or female, how messy the eyebrow, after eyebrow shaping will make you happy to visit our shop
g美容 / 男士美容gabykwok

全港No.1 女子成人游泳課程,女教練專教,小班學習,助你全面提升游泳及水中求生能力
運動及健身 / 水上運動黃埔體育會

PLEASE make your booking through my facebook page message/email/text/tel. THANKS!
l美容 / 化妝ladyhel

Y美容 / 化妝YukiMakeUp
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